What is creatine?

Creatine is a non-essential nutrient that helps supply energy to cells throughout the body. Creatine provides energy to support brief, intense exercise less than 30 seconds duration. The body naturally produces creatine in the liver, pancreas and kidneys and is stored in high concentrations in muscle, with a small amount also present in the brain.

Collagen – Does it live up to the Hype?

Ok so this blog delves a little deeper into the science behind collagen so if you’re not up for the extra detail, head to the punch line at the end.

The global market for collagen is currently estimated to be around $3 billion dollars and is expected to continue rising over the next 5 years. But does the evidence support the proposed benefits of collagen?

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5 common causes of Runner’s gut

Do you ever experience abdominal pain, diarrhoea, bloating or feel nauseous before a race or training session? Runners gut impacts 30-50% of endurance athletes during an event – that’s a lot!! Runner’s Gut doesn’t just affect runners. Other sporting modalities experience it too, but it is more common in endurance sports such as triathlon, marathon, … Read more

Guest blog: Chiropractic for athletes

Chiropractic management of athletes focuses on the alignment of the musculoskeletal system. Correct biomechanics is critically important to achieve optimal performance. Chiropractic is increasingly used by professional athletes to gain that desired advantage. When working with athletes we are generally working on either a preventative program or supporting the healing and repair of an injury. … Read more

Re-fuelling post-exercise

During exercise, our bodies mostly use carbohydrates (stored glycogen and blood glucose) and some fat for energy. We also lose fluid through sweat and expiration and repeated muscle contractions during exercise create tiny tears in your muscles that need repairing. The duration and intensity of your exercise and your body composition goals determine whether you need specific recovery … Read more

Should I workout on an empty stomach?

To eat or not to eat? This is a well debated question among exercise enthusiasts. Does fasting before exercise burn more fat? Will I have enough energy to train at a high intensity if I don’t eat before exercise? Does eating before exercise lead to excess kilojoule intake over the day? Perhaps the most important question is, … Read more

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